Volt Introduction and Docs

url_for and url_with

If you need to generate urls using the routes, you can call url_for or url_with


url_for takes a hash of params and returns a url based on the routes and passed in params.

Below is an example of doing a link to change ?page= on the query string. This example assumes routes exist for a todos controller.

url_for(controller: 'todos', page: 5)
# => 'http://localhost:3000/todos?page=5'

You can also create urls for HTTP Controllers by setting the corresponding method as first argument.

url_for(:get, controller: 'todos', action: 'index')
# => 'http://localhost:3000/api/todos


url_with is like url_for, but merges in the current params. In the example below, assume params is {controller: 'todos'}

url_with(page: 5)
# => 'http://localhost:3000/todos?page=5'

Because url_with is a controller method, it can also be accessed in views:

<a href="{{ url_with(page: 5) }}">page 5</a>