Volt Introduction and Docs

Tag Events and Triggering

When using tags in volt, you can have your controller trigger events that can be handled when someone uses the tag.


<:upload e-uploaded="was_uploaded" />

In the above example, we can have an upload button that calls the code in the e-uploaded Event Binding when the upload controller triggers the 'uploaded' event.

Here's an example of triggering:

module Main
  class UploadController < Volt::ModelController
    def upload
      # ... handle the upload ..

      # Trigger the uploaded event.

Tag Events also will bubble up the dom, so we could catch it higher up the DOM if we wanted. (on any parent tag):

<div e-uploaded="was_uploaded">
    Upload 1:
    <:upload />
    Upload 2:
    <:upload />

In the above example, was_uploaded would be called if either of the two upload tags triggered an uploaded event.

Passing arguments

You can pass arguments when you trigger an event.

module Main
  class UploadController < Volt::ModelController
    def upload
      # ... handle the upload ..

      # Trigger the uploaded event.
      trigger('uploaded', file_name)

In the case above, we might pass a file_name argument to the event. In our controller for the view where we used the tag, our was_uploaded method will look like this:

module Main
  class MyDocumentsController < Volt::ModelController
    def was_uploaded(file_name)
      # ... do something with the file ...

Any arguments that we pass to trigger after the event name will be passed into our method in the e- binding.

Getting the controller

If the method the event binding calls has an extra argument (compared to the number it was triggered with), the event binding will pass in a JSEvent object. (See EventBindings for more info) On the JSEvent, you can get the controller that triggered the event (if it was not a DOM event) by calling event.controller.


The following is a technical detail, but its useful to know.

The strings passed to e- bindings are converted to either a Proc or a ruby Method object depending on what we pass. If the string we pass has parenthesies on the end, it assumes this is a method call where you want to pass in custom arguments.

<:upload e-uploaded="was_uploaded('done')" />

The above would be converted to a Proc that would be called when the uploaded event triggers. If the last part of the string does not have parenthesis, it is assumed you are passing a reference to a method and it is turned into a method (by changing the string to use method(:last_part_str)

So for example, the following:

<:upload e-uploaded="upload_handler.was_uploaded" />

The e-uploaded event binding would receive the following:
